Terms and Conditions of Travel
Please be advised that country-specific derogations are listed at the bottom of the page.
Status: 25.11.2024
1 Application of These Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions of carriage apply to the carriage of passengers on the FlixBus long-distance bus network.
1.1 FlixBus India is not an operator/carrier. FlixBus India is a Passenger Transport Service Provider which connects customers and operators.
The carriers who operate the service sold on www.flixbus.in, are cooperation partners (hereinafter also: “Partners”), that have their own carriage conditions which may be found on the operators’ websites listed here. Please note that they may only be available in English. You may contact the Partners directly if you have any questions or concerns. Partners are solely responsible for operating the trip and any damages or claims associated with the trip. FlixBus India is not responsible or liable for any damages or claims regarding the carriage of passengers or baggage on the bus, including claims for personal injury or death.
1.2 The Conditions of Carriage apply to the carriage of passengers in the network of FlixBus India Pvt. Ltd. (hereinafter also: “FlixBus India”).
2 Right to Carriage
2.1 There is an entitlement to receive transportation services (“carriage”) provided a valid contract of carriage has been entered into.
2.2 The booking confirmation (see clause 3.1) entitles the passenger to a journey between the start and destination indicated on the ticket. A later boarding or earlier disembarkation is not permitted.
2.3 If a journey is booked when on board a vehicle, an obligation to convey shall only exist in the event that sufficient seating is available for the entire journey.
2.4 In the case of request stops, an obligation to convey only exists in the event that a journey was booked from or to this stop within the corresponding advance booking deadline. Request stops are indicated as such in the respective schedules. The corresponding advance booking deadlines can be found in the relevant schedule.
3 Tickets, Carriage Charges
3.1 The stipulated carriage charges must be paid in return for carriage. For this purpose, tickets are issued by Flix. The booking confirmation, either printed out or displayed in electronic form (PDF file), and a valid official photo identification shall be deemed to constitute a ticket. If a booking is made on board the vehicles, the handwritten or printed receipt will be considered as proof of purchase and booking confirmation. A ticket is generated for each person and each journey. Connections with transfer are considered as one trip. All personal data that is required by current laws must be provided during the booking process. The passenger’s name is matched with the booking list that is displayed on the cell phone of the driver or bus station staff based on the current booking situation to determine whether there is a claim to carriage. This is done preferably by scanning the tickets.
3.2 The passenger must make a booking prior to departure. Access to the passenger compartment in the vehicle is only permitted with a valid booking confirmation.
3.2.1 Journeys may be booked online at the web portals, via the mobile smartphone apps of FlixBus India, in partner agencies. Advance purchase (Internet, App, or an agency) is recommended.
3.2.2 A booking confirmation (order data) is saved, can be retrieved via the web portal, and can also be sent to the passenger by email if necessary.
3.2.3 Every passenger with a valid ticket is entitled to a seat.
3.3 On-line Ticket Purchase:
3.3.1 The representation of products in the online shop, accessible via the internet and the smartphone app, shall not constitute a legally binding offer, but rather a non-binding online catalog which prompts potential passengers to submit offers. By clicking the “Book”/ “Pay” button, a binding order for the goods in the shopping cart is placed. A ticket is generated for each person and each journey. Connections with transfers (interconnections) are treated as one journey. Confirmation of receipt of the order shall be issued immediately upon submission via an automatic e-mail confirmation. The contract for carriage shall not be deemed to have been concluded until FlixBus India has accepted the order by issuing an acceptance confirmation. This confirmation of acceptance may be issued with the automated e-mail confirmation or separately at a later stage.
3.3.2 Current technology means that data communication via the internet cannot be guaranteed in an error-free and/or permanently accessible manner. It is not possible to develop and operate computer programs (software) and data processing systems (hardware) in a completely flawless manner and exclude all unpredictable factors which may occur in conjunction with the Internet medium. As a result, FlixBus India shall not assume any guarantee for the constant, uninterrupted availability of its website and technical systems. In particular, due to the technical characteristics of the Internet, a permanent availability of the booking options on the Internet cannot be guaranteed. There shall be no entitlement to any savings or discounted prices if, due to technical problems, the system is only available again at a later point in time (e.g., advanced selling period).
3.4 Staff-operated Sales Offices:
Sales agencies, ticket outlets, flix lounge, and the customer service department of FlixBus India may charge a service fee to complete a booking or cancellation. The shop service fee charged depends on the shop location.
3.5 Carriage charges:
3.5.1 There shall be no entitlement to book all price brackets or price quotas in connection with any particular form of booking. Savings and promotional prices in particular are only partly bookable on-line.
3.5.2 The fare only covers the transport of persons, other services, and services such as the reservation of selected seats, additional or special luggage will be subject to a separate charge.
3.5.3 Specific booking conditions apply to reduced fares. The publication of fare conditions regarding the individual routes shall be decisive in this regard.
4 Invalid tickets
The passenger is required to show both the ticket and a valid photo identification when asked to do so by employees of FlixBus India during random ticket checks for the purpose of checking the validity of the ticket.
5 Increased Carriage Charges
5.1 Passengers shall be obliged to pay an increased carriage charge in the event that they are found to be traveling on board a vehicle and have failed to book a seat on the journey in question, either in advance or upon boarding the vehicle.
5.2 Passengers who, upon inspection, are found to have failed to make a valid booking, shall be obliged to provide their correct personal details and to identify themselves upon request.
5.3 The increased carriage charges shall amount to twice the usual fare for the distance traveled by passengers, but at least 5000 INR, plus the fare for the remaining distance to the destination traveled by passengers. If passengers are unable to verify the distance traveled, the starting point of the route is used for the calculation of the increased carriage charges.
5.4 The increased carriage charges must be paid immediately, or, in other cases, 2 weeks at the latest after receipt of the payment request in text form. Upon expiry of this deadline a processing fee of 400 INR will be charged for each written request for payment, provided that the passenger cannot prove that no, or lower, processing costs were incurred. FlixBus India reserve the right to take further measures pertaining to further civil and/or criminal proceedings.
6 Schedules
6.1 Amendments to the approved and published travel times, dates, routes, and fares on the grounds of good cause, in particular for the implementation of decisions of the licensing authority, are reserved.
6.2 If the routes published in the schedule are marked with the reference “subject to official approval”, the licensing procedure required for the inclusion of the respective transport links in the published schedule has not yet been concluded for the routes in question (connection, stop, day of travel, fare, etc.).
6.3 Schedule amendments which take effect after the contract’s conclusion and for which the operator is not responsible (e.g., long-term effects of natural catastrophes or permanent building sites) shall not entitle passengers to assert compensation claims as long as these amendments deviate only insignificantly from the originally agreed departure and arrival times, i.e., up to a maximum of 2 hours. Substantial schedule amendments shall entitle passengers to withdraw from the contract of carriage free of charge. To do this, passengers are requested to either contact customer service here: https://help.flixbus.com/s/?language=en_IN.
7 Travel Commencement
7.1 Passengers are recommended to reach the departure point 15 minutes prior to travel commencement.
7.2 Claims for carriage and the booked journey may be otherwise assigned in the event that passengers are not present at the scheduled departure time and place for the route booked.
7.3 If passengers are notified via SMS, e-mail, or other written format of a delay in travel, then a claim for carriage in the event of passengers’ absence shall only lapse with effect from the delayed travel time specified in the SMS or e-mail.
7.4 The passenger’s name is matched with the booking list that is displayed on the cell phone of the driver or bus stop staff based on the current booking situation in order to determine whether there is a claim to carriage. This is done preferably by scanning the tickets. In special cases, the passenger must identify him-/herself to the driver and service staff on request by submitting the printed or electronic (as PDF file) presentable booking confirmation, as well as a valid government-issued photo ID (identity card, passport or similar including a valid visa, if necessary).
8 Transfers
8.1 As a general rule, the published scheduled services are direct connections. In some cases, a transfer may be necessary.
8.2 If a transfer is scheduled, FlixBus India guarantee passengers’ continued carriage to their booked destination. FlixBus India offers substitute transportation if a shuttle bus is unable to wait for a delayed connecting bus in exceptional cases. In some cases, this may take the form of motor buses operated by other companies Claims to a particular form of transport shall not be recognized.
8.3 The regulation described above shall apply only in cases in which passenger bookings with Flix feature direct connections. If passengers’ book individual routes and combine these to form a journey involving transfers, they shall bear the risk of missing a connection. Claims for substitute transportation shall not exist in these cases. However, FlixBus India shall make every reasonable effort to inform passengers of alternative connections.
8.4 Transferring to transport services not operated by FlixBus India cannot be guaranteed.
9 General Passenger Obligations
9.1 Instructions issued by driving and accompanying personnel must be obeyed.
9.2 Driving and dispatch personnel shall be authorized to exclude persons from travel if they are obviously intoxicated or under the influence of drugs. The same shall apply to passengers who compromise the safety of their fellow passengers for other reasons or significantly impair the well-being of the latter. Claims to substitute transportation shall not exist in these cases.
9.3 Smoking on board the bus is not permitted.
9.4. Carrying alcoholic beverages onboard is strictly prohibited. Passengers found in possession of alcohol may be subject to penalties and other actions in accordance with FlixBus policies, which may include being denied boarding.
9.5 Passengers shall be liable for damages caused on, in or to the bus in a culpable manner.
9.6 Passengers who cause soiling in the bus, either intentionally or as the result of gross negligence, shall be obliged to pay FlixBus India cleaning fee of at least INR 2500, provided that passengers shall be entitled to provide evidence that no damage was caused or that the said damage was considerably less than the aforementioned flat rate.
9.7 Operators may cancel the contract of carriage without notice in the event that despite (verbal) warning, a passenger behaves in a manner so disruptive, that it is no longer reasonable for the operator and/or the remaining passengers to continue the journey. This shall also apply if the passenger fails to observe objectively justified guidelines (e.g., safety guidelines). In this case, the operator is entitled to retain the fare.
During breaks/stops or police checks, bus passengers are to leave the bus if requested to do so by driving and service personnel. Passengers are required to follow the break duration given by driving and service personnel during said breaks. Driving personnel are authorized to continue driving should a passenger not return to the bus after the indicated break time is over and are not responsible for the absence of a passenger after the indicated break time is over.
10 Children and Minors
10.1 Small children aged between 0 and 3 years can be carried on the lap of an adult (only 1 child per adult) without extra cost. A ticket is not needed for carrying the child on the lap, but ID verification upon boarding is mandatory for age verification.
10.1.1 Some semi-sleeper buses have seat belts that can accommodate standard child car seats. Passengers are allowed to bring and use their own child safety seat, as long as the child supposed to use it has a valid ticket bought beforehand. The seat can be attached using a seatbelt, has been approved for use in a motor vehicle, and is used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Passengers are solely responsible for securing a child safety seat and shall not rely on any assistance or advice from any Flix or Bus Operator personnel in doing so.
10.1.2 Shall an adult decide to bring a child safety seat, this can be boarded only upon buying a full price ticket for the child.
10.1.3 Flix and Bus Operators shall not be responsible or liable for any damages, including personal injury or death, due to the improper use or securing of any child safety seat. Flix and Bus Operators shall also not be responsible or liable for any damages due to the lack of use of any child safety seat, including the personal injury or death of an unrestrained child.
10.2 Children and minors aged between 15 and 17 may only travel alone in the event that a parent or legal guardian has confirmed during booking through the consent checkbox that the minor in question is both able and, in a position, to commence travel unaccompanied and unsupervised. Flix, FlixBus India and their affiliates expressly do not assume any responsibility to supervise a minor. In addition, all children traveling alone are not authorized to participate in trips involving connections.
10.3 Young people aged 18 and above may travel independently.
11. Passengers with disabilities / limited mobility
11.1 Bus stops
FlixBus India has no influence over the infrastructural condition of the stops and bus stop visited, and therefore the handicapped access for disabled persons. Therefore, FlixBus India cannot make any guarantee for this. The respective operator of the stop is responsible for this.
11.2 Refusal of carriage
11.2.1 Should the vehicle’s design or infrastructure, including bus stop, physically prevent the boarding, exit or carriage of the disabled person or person with limited mobility in a safe and operationally feasible manner, FlixBus India reserve the right to refuse to accept a reservation, to issue or to make available a ticket or to allow the person in question to board the vehicle. In this case, the person(s) involved shall be informed about all other acceptable alternative means of carriage using services offered by FlixBus India.
11.2.2 The vehicle design means that carriage is currently only possible in the event that disabled persons or those with limited mobility are able to commence travel independently and without external aid.
11.2.3 Any passengers affected will be notified promptly and if they so request in writing, within five working days after receipt of the request, about the corresponding reason for refusal of transportation.
11.2.4 In the event that the carriage of a passenger with a disability or limited mobility is checked and a ticket is issued, and if this passenger is subsequently refused carriage, both the passenger and the accompanying person have the following options: (a) to either request the reimbursement of the fare and the free return trip to the initial boarding point as specified on the contract of carriage at the earliest opportunity, as applicable, or (b) to continue the journey on an alternative route with an acceptable substitute transport service to the destination specified in the contract of carriage.
11.3 Carriage of wheelchairs or walking aids
11.3.1 Passengers with disabilities or limited mobility shall be entitled to transport their folding wheelchairs or walking aids in the bus’s luggage compartment free of charge. The wheelchairs must be collapsible for safety reasons and without electric drive.
11.3.2 The passenger guarantees that the wheelchair is functional and technically capable of being used safely during travel. The wheelchair must comply with current legal safety requirements. The transportation in a wheelchair may be refused if considerable evidence indicates that safe travel is not possible or is questionable. The operator is not liable for damage caused by a defective technical condition of the wheelchair.
12 Seat Reservation
12.1 Booking a seat reservation.
12.1.1 On some FlixBus journeys, a specific seat can be reserved when booking on our websites, affiliate agencies, or flix lounge of FlixBus India. Availability and reservation fee vary depending on the route, line, seat category (aisle, window, or row), and time of booking.
12.1.2 The booking of a seat reservation will be acknowledged with reference to the booking confirmation. Bookings for seat reservations for more than one person are not assigned individually, that is, there is no assignment between the seat reservations and the person booking it.
12.1.3 There is no requirement to make a (paid) seat reservation. A specific seat can be reserved when booking on our websites according to 12.1. 1.. If no seat will be chosen by the Customer, a seat will be assigned. However, gender rules will be applied whenever possible.
12.2 Restrictions on seat reservations
12.2.1 If you do not arrive at the bus on boarding point, you will lose your claim to the seat and carriage. In such cases FlixBus is entitled to assign the ticket to another person in accordance with Clause 7.2. It is therefore recommended that you arrive at the bus stop no later than 15 minutes before departure even if you have a seat reservation.
12.2.2 Generally, only those persons with a seat reservation are entitled to occupy a reserved seat. FlixBus India may reassign seats for operational or safety reasons, even after departure. This may occur, for example, when pregnant women, minors, minors traveling alone or persons with physical disabilities need to move to another seat and no corresponding seats are free, or to respect gender assignment rules. In such cases the bus driver’s instructions must be followed. Seats may be reassigned without regard to race, religion, skin color or nationality.
12.2.3. Passengers who book a designated female-only seat will be seated next to another female passenger, subject to availability and seating arrangements.
12.2.4 If a seat reservation is changed and it is not possible to allocate a seat in the reserved or superior category, the passenger may reclaim the seat reservation fee.
12.2.5 In case of cancellations and delays pursuant to Clause 16, the seat reservation fee will be reimbursed.
12.2.6 A refund will not be given if the passenger did not travel, or the seat was allocated or purchased free of charge.
12.3 Cancellations and Transfers
The seat reservation fee is refundable when a journey is canceled or rebooked unless the seat was allocated free of charge. The provisions of Clause 5 of the booking terms and conditions apply. If a journey is canceled, seat reservations may be transferred to other persons in the same reservation.
13 Carriage of Goods
13.1 Luggage:
13.1.1 The luggage allowance included in the fare is limited to one piece of free luggage per passenger with a maximum size of 80 x 50 x 30 cm per bag. Slightly different dimensions are permitted if the total size of the luggage composed of height, width and length does not exceed 160 cm. Each passenger can take luggage free of charge up to a maximum of 20 kg. Luggage refers to suitcases and bags. Taking a trekking backpack is an exception. Please note that some of our lines may have exceptions to the luggage policy. If necessary, these will be indicated during the respective booking process and on the issued ticket.
13.1.2 Additional luggage In individual cases within the context of existing capacities, another luggage item (additional luggage) with maximum dimensions of 80 x 50 x 30 cm and a maximum weight of 20 kg is permitted for a price. Slightly different dimensions are also allowed for the additional luggage provided that the total amount of luggage does not exceed 160 cm. A general right for the carriage of more than one piece of luggage does not exist. Please note that some of our lines may have exceptions to the luggage policy. If necessary, these will be indicated during the respective booking process and on the issued ticket. Booking of the additional luggage in advance is necessary. The booking can either be done online during the booking process or online via Manage my Booking after the ticket purchase. If there is enough space in the luggage compartment of the bus and no additional luggage has been booked yet, an additional luggage can be purchased from the bus driver. This assessment is the responsibility of the bus driver. Availability and additional luggage fee vary depending on the route, line, time of booking, and method of booking.
13.1.3 Passengers are obliged to label their luggage with their name and address for the purposes of correct assignment and return, and especially to avoid mix-ups.
13.1.4 Passengers are responsible for loading their luggage when changing vehicles. Possible assistance from the bus driver will only be provided in exceptional cases and does not justify any claims to the same unless the passenger in question is handicapped or is an individual with reduced mobility.
13.2 Hand Luggage
13.2.1 Hand luggage is carried free of charge but is limited to one luggage item per passenger with a maximum size of 42 x 30 x 18 cm and a maximum weight of 7 kg.
13.2.2 Passengers shall be required to stow and monitor the hand luggage in the passenger area in a manner which ensures that the safety and proper operation of the bus is not compromised, and other passengers are not inconvenienced. Hand luggage should, in principle, be stored on the luggage racks provided or placed under the seats in front of passengers.
13.2.3 The hand luggage and its contents shall remain in the care of passengers for the duration of the journey and must be monitored appropriately. If any unauthorized access by third parties is observed, the bus driver should be informed. Passengers are requested to check their hand luggage for completeness prior to the end of the journey.
13.3 Special Luggage
13.3.1 So-called special luggage requires prior registration by passengers and confirmation that its carriage is possible. No general claim to the carriage of special luggage shall exist.
13.3.2 Items that exceed the standard luggage dimensions are considered special luggage. However, the overall dimensions of special luggage items may not exceed 240 cm (height in cm + width in cm + depth in cm). A single item of special luggage may not exceed a maximum weight of 30 kg.
13.3.3 The carriage of special luggage shall be limited to one item per passenger.
13.3.4 Fixtures, furnishings or furniture parts, electronic devices, and cardboard cartons shall generally be excluded from carriage.
13.3.5 Booking of the special luggage in advance is necessary. The booking can either be done online during the booking process or online via Manage my Booking after the ticket purchase. If there is enough space in the luggage compartment of the bus and no special luggage has been booked yet, a special luggage can be purchased from the bus driver. This assessment is the responsibility of the bus driver. Availability and special luggage fee vary depending on the route, line, time of booking and method of booking.
13.4 Musical Instruments
13.4.1 Musical instruments are regarded as special luggage. If the instrument in question (including case) is smaller than the stipulated size of hand luggage, it may be conveyed free of charge in place of hand luggage. If the instrument in question (including its case) is larger than the stipulated size of hand luggage, it must be conveyed in the luggage compartment. In this case, an additional fee will be charged (cf. Clause 15.3.5). Musical instruments and their cases whose measurements exceed 135 x 48 x 35 cm will not be conveyed.
13.4.2 The carriage of musical instruments in hard shell cases is generally recommended.
13.5 Valuable items and electronic equipment
13.5.1 Valuable items, such as cash, jewelry, precious metals, keys, glasses (sunglasses and/or reading glasses), electronic devices (laptops, iPads, tablets cameras, power banks, lithium batteries or lithium accumulators), electronic consumer goods (in particular laptops, mobile phones, etc.) affected by a recall action by the manufacturer or dealer, contact lenses, prostheses, medication, important documents (diploma certificates, other certificates, credentials, passports, driving licenses, securities), etc. and fragile objects must be conveyed in hand luggage, not normal luggage, and are subject to the due diligence of passengers.
13.5.2 Should passengers nonetheless choose to place valuable items in their normal luggage, no liability claims shall be accepted. Cases of intent or gross negligence shall be exempted from the above.
13.6 Buggies
13.6.1 Buggies shall be conveyed as special luggage (max. one buggy per passenger). Buggies must be collapsible. Non-collapsible buggies shall not be conveyed. Registration must be made by telephone via the customer service hotline 48 hours prior to travel commencement at the earliest.
13.6.2 Buggies are conveyed free of charge.
13.7 Bicycles & E-scooters
13.7.1 Bicycles are not conveyed in routes inside India.
13.8 Items forgotten or left behind in the bus are not covered by insurance. In the event that passengers have left items in the bus, they should fill in the lost and found form on the web portals of Flix.
13.9 Dangerous substances and objects are not permitted during travel, especially.
- explosive, flammable, radioactive, foul-smelling, or corrosive substances,
- unpackaged or unprotected items which could injure passengers.
These include, for example, weapons, ammunition, and pyrotechnics.
14 Carriage of Animals
14.1 The carriage and transport of dogs and other animals in the long-distance buses is excluded in principle.
15 Passenger Rights in the Event of Delays or Cancellation
15.1 If there is a cancellation or delay, FlixBus India or the bus stop operator will notify the passengers departing from the staffed boarding point of the situation as quickly as possible, and at the latest 30 minutes after the scheduled departure time and inform them of the anticipated departure time as soon as this information becomes available. FlixBus India shall offer all passengers, particularly those departing from non-staffed bus stops, electronic information regarding cancellations or delays. In order to receive this information, passengers must provide the required contact data (e.g., cellphone number).
15.2 Should it be reasonable to assume that the departure of the booked journey must be cancelled, or will be delayed by more than 120 minutes or in the event of overbooking, passengers have the following options: (a) Passenger is entitled to continue their journey at the earliest possible opportunity on a different route within Flix network, leading to the destination stipulated in the contract of carriage at comparable conditions to those named in the same , or (b) to request reimbursement of the fare and the free return trip with the bus to the place of departure stipulated in the contract of carriage as applicable. Claims for reimbursement of the full, paid fare shall exist both for the parts of the journey completed as well as for those not completed if the passenger is not able to complete the journey in accordance with his/her original travel plans. Reimbursement shall be made in monetary terms within 14 days after receipt of the compensation claim or passengers have been given the choices of (a) or (b), above, unless passengers agree to another form of refund.
15.3 In the event that the vehicle becomes unserviceable during the journey, Flix shall offer passengers continued carriage with a substitute vehicle from Flix network or carriage to a suitable waiting point from where the journey can be continued.
15.4. In case of an event where you select voucher, you are not entitled to exchange it for a cashback later and if the booking is done via a third-party channel, kindly reach out to them for refund. Flix shall not be responsible.
15.5 Further claims arising from harm caused by the cancellation or delay shall not be excluded.
16 Place of Jurisdiction
This T&C is governed by, and is to be construed in accordance with, the laws of India. The exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be the competent Court of Haryana.
17 Ineffective Provisions
If individual provisions within these General Business Terms and Conditions of Travel should be or become entirely or partially ineffective or void, this shall, in principle, not compromise the efficacy of the contract of carriage as a whole.