Volvo and AC Bus Booking

Planning a journey? Book Volvo and AC bus Tickets easily with FlixBus. Our seamless booking process ensures you a comfortable and hassle-free experience, no matter your travel plans.

How to Book Volvo Bus Tickets with FlixBus

Booking your Volvo bus ticket is easy with FlixBus!

Input your departure city, destination city and travel dates in the search bar above and find the trip that best suits you!
You can also can book using the FlixBus app. Our app will serve as your travel companion and provide updates on your trip, so you can stay up to date on your travels.

During the booking process routes served by Volvo and AC buses will be highlighted. Simply select your trip and proceed to payment, receive your ticket via email or the app and enjoy the ride with FlixBus.

What is Volvo Buses?

Volvo Buses, part of the Volvo Group, is renowned for its quality and comfort. Since its introduction to the Indian market, Volvo has become synonymous with premium and air-conditioned travel. Known for innovation and reliability, Volvo Buses have revolutionized the coach travel experience in India, making them a preferred choice for many.

Seating Arrangements Available with AC Buses at FlixBus

FlixBus offers various seating options to suit your needs:

  • Sleeper Buses: Fully reclining seats that convert into beds, perfect for overnight travel.
  • Semi-Sleeper Buses: Comfortable reclining seats with extra legroom for long journeys.

Advantages of Travelling by Volvo/AC Bus 

  • Opting for a Volvo or AC bus has numerous benefits:
  • Comfort: Spacious seats, ample legroom, AC and a smooth ride.
  • Safety: Modern safety features, including seat belts and GPS tracking, ensure your journey is secure.
  • Environmental Impact: Bus travel, over car or plane, reduces traffic and emissions, helping to reduce your carbon footprint.

Popular Volvo/AC Bus Routes 

FlixBus operates several popular routes across India, including: 

  • Delhi to Chandigarh
  • Delhi to Manali
  • Dahli to Shimla
  • Delhi to Dharamshala

For a seamless and comfortable travel experience, book your Volvo or AC bus tickets with FlixBus today!


FAQs about Volvo Bus Booking

Yes, Volvo/AC buses are designed for comfort with features like reclining or sleeper seats, air conditioning and Wi-Fi.

You can enjoy amenities such as reclining or sleeper seats, air conditioning and Wi-Fi

Yes, you can easily book your tickets through the FlixBus website or app.

Absolutely. FlixBus prioritizes safety with seat belts, modern equipment, and gendered seating options, along with highly trained drivers.

Yes, you can track your journey using the FlixBus tracker page or the app.